
The following jargon is used frequently (and without warning), so it should be in the vernacular


circumlocution - unoptimal overuse of mostly unnecessary words to express an idea

combination - a selection of items wherein sequence or order does not make them distinct.
A k-combination is a subset of k elements from a set with n elements, denoted C(n,k).
If k > n, then C(n,k) = 0, otherwise C(n,k) = (n!)/(k!(n-k)!).

jargon - technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a group

jektive - whatever an adjective is for...

okkusenman - Japanese - 110 Million

omoide wa okkusenman! - Japanese - 思い出はおっくせんまん! - 110 Million Memories!

permutation - a selection of items in a particular sequence or order.
A set with n elements has n! permutations.
A k-permutation is a subset of ordered arrangements of k elements from a set containing n elements, denoted P(n,k).
If k > n, then P(n,k) = 0, otherwise P(n,k) = (n!)/((n-k)!).
When k = n, P(n,k) = n!, as (n-k) = 0, 0! = 1, and (n!)/1 = n!.

plox - please

pwn - own

robyte - approximately 8 or 10 robits

subpixel - any of the units that make up a pixel. Commonly Red, Green, and Blue components.

vernacular - an ordinary, often informal, usually spoken, expression

yatta - Japanese - やった - Did it / It is done

yattenai - Japanese - Did not do it / It is not done



BOOTP - Bootstrap

CTOR - Constructor

DTOR - Destructor

DEV - Developer/Development (based on context)

pentest - Penetration Test

pleeb - First Year Undergrad

plebe - see: pleeb

preppy - College Preparatory Student

RunCom - Run Command

strat - Strategy


AFAIK - As Far As I Know

AH - After Hours

AM - Ante Merīdiem

ASAP - As Soon As Possible


BGR - Blue Green Red

BGRA - Blue Green Red Alpha

CMYK - Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK

.d - directory

DD - Due Dilligence

DK - Double Kill

FOB - Forward Operating Base

FOMO - Fear of Missing Out

FX - Effects

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GG - Good Game

GH - Wouldn't you like to know!

IDE - Integrated Development Environment

IDK - I do not know

IMO - In My Opinion

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

ISO - International Organization of Standards

KS - Kill Steal

LMK - Let me know

LZ - Landing Zone

JPEG - Joint Picture Editors Group

JPG - Joint Picture (Editors) Group

NS - Nice Shot

NSFW - Not Safe For Work

OTC - Over the counter

PM - Post Merīdiem

PT - Personal Training

PTM - Your Mother Nightwalker

PXE - Preboot eXecution Environment

RFID - Radio Frequency Identification

RGB - Red Green Blue

RGBA - Red Green Blue Alpha

rc - RunCom

ROYGBIV - Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

RTFM - Read The Manual

SFW - Safe For Work

SFX - Sound Effects

TIFF - Tagged Image File Format

TK - Toolkit

TL/DR; - Too Long / Did not Read

UP - Usage Pattern

XML - eXtensible Markup Language